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What can you do?
We have seen the horrific images of the murder of over 1300 Israelis, the most significant number of Jews murdered since the holocaust. Women, families, children, and babies were slaughtered, and many were tortured. Twenty-nine Americans also died that day, several of whom had been taken hostage. As we look on feeling helpless, there are things that we can do to make a difference...that can affect the outcome. Here is a list of the following that we can do immediately:
Pray daily for the people of Israel and guidance for leadership. The prayers of the righteous availeth much.
Let our Jewish community know we support them and they are not alone.
There are needs for various professional services, including medical and counseling assistance. You may email florida.eagle.forum@gmail.com for further information.
Giving financially to help get supplies to local communities in Israel is highly critical. The needs have become great, and now is the time to show the World and the people of Israel that they are not alone. Please click on the Donate button below. "Israel, you are not alone" donations will help the communities in Israel for their critical needs at this time.