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I am a life-long Republican that began working in the Reagan campaign nearly forty years ago. A State Committeeman represents Republicans in the county to the State Party. As a staunch Constitutional conservative, I believe life is sacred, the Second Amendment is literal, a free-market economy is essential, and religious freedom is critical.
I believe it is important that all Republicans come together to get President Donald Trump re-elected. Let’s do this!
The Constitution written by our founding fathers created the greatest nation on earth. This Constitution is the basis of our Constitutional Republic. It is not what some would call a living document for one to change or re-interpret it. However, the Constitution is a document by which a free people can self-govern. The Constitution is under attack like never before. We as Republicans must protect it at every level--through our legislature, judicial system, and executive branch. It is imperative that we get behind President Donald Trump to help his re-election efforts. Our nation and future generations are counting on it.
I believe all life matters and is sacred from cradle to grave. I believe our Constitution protects the most vulnerable in society. It is our duty to protect life. You may go to Personhood FL for more information on how you can get involved.
Our founding fathers understood the importance of the "Right to bear arms shall not be infringed." The purpose of the Second Amendment is to keep a free people free. Therefore, the right of the people to own and "bear" arms is for protection against a tyrannical government. Organizations like the UN do not act in the best interest of the US and should be defunded.
Socialism/Marxism has never worked and never will work anywhere in the World. I believe President Trump has it right--that companies will bring jobs back to the US if they are not taxed or regulated to death and given an opportunity to thrive and compete on a level playing field.
In recent times, religious liberty has been under attack like never before in the history of our nation's founding. Our founding fathers understood to have a free people self-govern there must be a basis of morality that comes from the Holy Scriptures. No government entity has the right to control or hamper the assembling of a church in any way. In addition, they do not have the right to impose laws that are against the moral conscience of man.
Our public education system has been indoctrinating our young people for many years into anti-patriotic, anti-God, and anti-Constitutional philosophies. Marxists are teaching our young people not how to be good Americans but how to be Marxists. I have worked diligently to stop education doctrines such as Common Core and am proud to say that Governor DeSantis has eliminated this disastrous method of education in our State. Education choice is important to the future of our Nation.